The CATS Telegram Airdrop is an initiative by a new blockchain project that aims to distribute its tokens, known as CATS, to active users on the Telegram platform. This airdrop has been designed to be accessible and straightforward, allowing users to claim tokens with minimal effort. The process involves interacting with a Telegram bot, which instantly calculates the number of CATS tokens to be allocated based on various criteria such as the age of the user’s Telegram account, verification status, and premium membership.
The CATS platform itself is described as an asset-swapping and gaming platform, still in its early stages of development. It shares similarities with the viral DOGS platform, and there is speculation that both platforms may be owned by the same entity. The community around CATS is growing, with expectations high for the platform’s official launch on the TON blockchain, although no official confirmation has been provided yet.
CATS Airdrop is Ended.
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